Environmental Psychology 
工學院  建築與城鄉研究所  
544 M3030 
Ceiba 課程網頁

一、課 名:環境心理學
二、課程編號:544 M3030(109學年度第二學期)
三、學 分 數:3
四、授課老師:畢恆達 hdbih@.ntu.edu.tw 33665981
五、上課時間及地點:每週二第 234 節(9:10─12:00),工313教室
本課程將探討環境心理學發展的歷史、理論與經驗研究,以及它在環境規劃與設計上的應用。其所涵蓋的領域,可以從四個向度來組織:(1)人:性別、種族、階級、年齡世代、身心能力、遊民、角色(如經理 vs. 工人、醫師/病人/訪客)等。(2)空間:物、住宅、辦公室、購物、公共空間、KTV、醫院、自然、虛擬空間等。(3)心理/社會/文化行為:知覺、認知、壓力、空間行為、災害等。(4)時間與歷史向度(物理時間、發展、歷史)。每一個領域又都涵蓋理論、方法、經驗研究與設計應用。

Moore, G. T., Tuttle, D. P., & Howell, S. C. (1985). Environmental design research directions: Process and prospects. Praeger.
Project for Public Spaces https://www.pps.org/
Gieseking, J. J., Mangold, W., Katz, C., Low, S., & Saegert, S. (Eds.). (2014). The people, place, and space reader. Routledge.
Bechtel, R. B. (1997). Environment and behavior: An introduction. Sage.
Gifford, R. (2014). Environmental psychology: Principles and practice (5th ed.). Optimal Books.
Kopec, D. (2012). Environmental psychology for design (2nd ed.). Fairchild Books.

02/23 課程簡介
03/02 環境心理學歷史與理論
03/09 環境心理學研究方法
03/16 環境認知、尋路Wayfinding
03/23 感官與空間:聲景/氣味地景
03/30 空間行為學(Proxemics,私密性、個人空間、領域感、擁擠、犯罪)
04/06 春假
04/13 環境災害、非自願拆遷(地點認同)
04/20 兒童遊戲場(演講:還我特色公園行動聯盟,特公盟)
04/27 老人與環境
05/04 家的意義(婦女、LGBT、遊民、遭小偷)
05/11 滑板與跑酷(found space與規劃設計的空間、都市治理)
05/18 醫療空間(病人、醫療人員、訪客)
05/25 園藝治療(演講:呂怡安:園藝治療師、臨床心理師)
06/01 POE 與設計準則、社會科學家與建築師如何合作
06/08 總結:疫情之後的環境心理學
06/15 期末報告一
06/22 期末報告二

02/23 課程簡介(環境心理學資源)
Moore, G. T., Tuttle, D. P., & Howell, S. C. (1985). Environmental design research directions: Process and prospects. Praeger. (Chap. 4 An organizing framework, pp. 34-40)

03/02 環境心理學理論與歷史
*Altman, I., & Rogoff, B. (1987). World views in psychology: Trait, interactional, organismic, and transactional perspectives. In D. Stokols & I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 7-40). New York: Wiley.
Gifford, R. (2014). The nature and scope of environmental psychology. In Environmental psychology: Principles and practice (5th ed.) (pp. 1-20). Colville, WA: Optimal Books.
Moser, G., & Uzzell, D. (2003). Environmental Psychology. In T. Millon & M J. Lerner (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of psychology, Volume 5: Personality and social psychology (pp. 419-445). Wiley.
Bell, P. A., Greene, T. C., Fisher, J. D., & Baum, A. (2001). Theories of environment-behavior relationships. In Environmental psychology (5th ed.) (pp. 97-135). Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College.
Nagar, D. (2006). Methodological issues and theoretical perspectives in environmental psychology. In Environmental psychology (pp. 52-93). New Delhi: Concept.
Kopec, D. (2012). Foundational theories of environmental psychology. In Environmental psychology for design (2nd ed.) (pp. 17-34). New York: Fairchild Books.
Moore, G. T. (1987). Environment and behavior research in North America: History, developments and unresolved issues. In D. Stokols & I. Altman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 1359-1410). New York: Wiley.
Giuliani, M. V., & Scopelliti, M. (2009). Empirical research in environmental psychology: Past, present, and future. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(3), 375-386.
Gu¨nther, H. (2009). The environmental psychology of research. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(3), 358-365.
Hansen, W. B., & Altman, I. (1976). Decorating personal places: A descriptive analysis. Environment and Behavior, 8(4), 491-504.

03/09 環境心理學研究方法
*Zeisel, J. (2006). Inquiry by design: Environment/ Behavior/ Neuroscience in architecture, interiors, landscape, and planning (rev. ed.). Norton.(Chap. 8 Observing physical traces, pp. 159-190;Chap. 9 Observing environmental behavior, pp. 191-226)
Adams, P. C. (2018). Methodologies of place attachment research. In J. S. Smith (Ed.). Explorations in place attachment (pp. 227-240). Routledge.
Sussman, R. (2016). Observational methods: The first step in science. In R. Gifford (Ed.), Research methods for environmental psychology (pp. 9-27). Wiley. (觀察法)
Ng, C. F. (2016). Behavioral mapping and tracking. In R. Gifford (Ed.), Research methods for environmental psychology (pp. 29-51). Wiley. (行為圖示法)
Fjørtoft, I., & Kristoffersen, B., & Sageie, J. (2009). Children in schoolyards: Tracking movement patterns and physical activity in schoolyards using global positioning system and heart rate monitoring. Landscape and Urban Planning, 93(3/4), 210-217. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2009.07.008(GPS)
Karp, D. A. (1973). Hiding in pornographic bookstores: A reconsideration of the nature of urban anonymity. Urban Life, 1, 427-451.(觀察法)
Cosco, N. G., Moore, R. C., & Islam, M. Z. (2010). Behavior mapping: A method for linking preschool physical activity and outdoor design. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(3), 513-519. (行為圖示法)
Larson, J. S., Bradlow, E., & Fader, P. (2005). An exploratory look at shopping paths. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22, 395-414. (行為圖示法)
Marušić, B. G., & Marušić, D. (2012). Behavioural maps and GIS in place evaluation and design. In B. M. Alam (Ed.), Application of geographic information systems (pp. 113-138). InTech.
Middlemist, R. D., Knowles, E. S., & Matter, C. F. (1976). Personal space invasions in the lavatory: Suggestive evidence for arousal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 33(5), 541-546. (arousal theory、田野實驗法)
Baum, A., & Davis, G. E. (1980). Reducing the stress of high-density living: An architectural intervention. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38(3), 471-481. (田野實驗法)
Keizer, K., Lindenberg, S., & Steg, L. (2008). The spreading of disorder. Science, 322, 1681-1685. (田野實驗法)
Ziller, R. C., Rorer, B., Combs, J., & Lewis, D. (1983). The psychological niche: The auto-photographic study of self-environment interaction. In D. A. Krauss & J. L. Fryrear (Eds.), Phototheraphy in mental health (pp. 95-115). Charles C Thomas.(照片分析)
Cooper Marcus, C. (1979). Environmental autobiography. Berkeley, CA: University of California, Institute of Urban and Regional Development Working Paper No. 301.(環境自傳)
Haslam, N. (2012). Seat up or down? In Psychology in the bathroom (pp. 136-148). Palgrave Macmillan.(馬桶蓋的效率與公平)
Rathje, W. & Murphy, R.(1994)《垃圾之歌》。時報文化。
Winkel, G., & Saegert, S., & Evans, G. W. (2009). An ecological perspective on theory, methods, and analysis in environmental psychology: Advances and challenges. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 318-328.
3/16 環境認知、尋路
一個關鍵性實驗,讓空間認知從行為論轉向認知論。Kevin Lynch的都市意象,則改變了此後都市規劃的思維與表現法。醫院、車站等是分秒必爭的空間,可是基本的找路,仍然是大問題。台大校總區幅員廣闊,近來雖然為校內道路命名,其實真的能夠辨識路名的人不多,那如何指路?校內的指標系統與平面圖又好不好用?
Gifford, R. (2014). Environmental perception and spatial cognition. In Environmental psychology: Principles and practice (5th ed.) (pp. 21-53). Optimal Books.
Bell, P. A., Greene, T. C., Fisher, J. D., & Baum, A. (2001). Environmental cognition. In Environmental psychology (5th ed.) (pp. 68-96). Harcourt Brace College.
Devlin, A. S. (2012). Environmental perception: Wayfinding and spatial cognition In S. D. Clayton (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology (pp. 41-64). Oxford University Press.
Tolman, E. C. (1948). Cognitive maps in rats and men. Psychological Review, 55, 189-208.
Lynch, K. (1960). The image of the city. The MIT Press.
Lynch, K. (1990). Reconsidering The Image of the City. In T. Banerjee & M. Southworth (Eds.), City sense and city design: Writings and projects of Kevin Lynch (pp. 247-256). The MIT Press.
Milgram, S., & Jodelet, D. (1976). Psychological maps of Paris. In H. M. Proshansky, W. H. Ittelson & L. G. Rivlin (Eds.), Environmental psychology: People and their physical settings (pp. 104-124). Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Kitchin, R. M. (1994). Cognitive maps: What are they and why study them? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14(1), 1-19.
Heft, H. (2013). Environment, cognition, and culture: Reconsidering the cognitive map. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 33(1), 14-25.
Heft, H. (2013). Wayfinding, navigation, and environmental cognition from a naturalist’s stance. In D. Waller & L. Nadel (Eds.), Handbook of spatial cognition (pp. 265-294). The American Psychological Association. All
Carpman, J. R., & Grant, M. A. (2002). Wayfinding: A broad view. In R. B. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 427-442). Wiley.
Levine, A. (1982). You-are-here maps: Psychological considerations. Environment and Behavior, 14(2), 221-237.
Tati, J. [Director] (1968). Playtime. 片段
倫敦地鐵圖 https://www.facebook.com/SmallThingBigIdea/videos/1328242957321729/

03/23 感官與空間:聲景/氣味地景
Brown, A. L. (2012). A review of progress in soundscapes and an approach to soundscape planning. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 17(2), 73-81.
Erwine, B. (2017). Creating sensory spaces: The architecture of the invisible. Routledge.
Kelman, A. Y. (2010). Rethinking the soundscape: A critical genealogy of a key term in sound studies. Senses & Society, 5(2), 212-234.
Coelho, J. L. B. (2016). Approaches to urban soundscape management, planning, and design. In Kang, J., & Schulte-Fortkamp, B. (Eds.), (2016). Soundscape and the built environment (pp. 197-214). CRC Press.
Raimbault, M., & Dubois, D. (2005). Urban soundscapes: Experiences and knowledge. Cities, 22(5), 339-350.
Lacey, J. (2017). Silencing urban exhalations: A case study of student-led soundscape design interventions. Journal of Sonic Studies, 14(5), 1-15. https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/369404/369473
Henshaw, V. (2013). Urban smellscapes: Understanding and designing city smell environments. London Routledge.
Cohen, E. (1988). The broken cycle: Smell in a Bangkok soi (Lane). Ethnos, 53(1), 37-49.
S´liwa, M., & Riach, K. (2012). Making scents of transition: Smellscapes and the everyday in ‘old’ and ‘new’ urban Poland. Urban Studies, 49(1), 23-41.
Schafer, R. M. (1977). The tuning of the world. Knopf.
臺灣音聲一百年資料庫 http://audio.nmth.gov.tw/audio

03/30 空間行為學
Proxemics 研究個人空間、領域(性)、私密性(隱私)、擁擠感等之領域。
Gifford, R. (2014). Personal space and territoriality/Crowding and privacy. In Environmental psychology: Principles and practice (5th ed.) (pp. 123-212). Optimal Books.
Altman, I. (1975). The environment and social behavior: Privacy, personal space, territory, crowding. Brooks/Cole.
Cherulnik, P. D. (1993). Sociopetal space in psychiatric hospitals. In Applications of environment-behavior research (pp. 131-152). Cambridge University Press.(設計應用)
Bell, P. A., Greene, T. C., Fisher, J. D., & Baum,. (2001). Personal space and territoriality. In Environmental psychology (5th ed.) (pp. 251-291). Harcourt Brace College.
Costa, M. (2012). Territorial behavior in public settings. Environment and Behavior, 44(5), 713-721. doi:10.1177/0013916511403803(教室座位選擇)
Given, L. M., & Leckie, G. J. (2003). ‘‘Sweeping’’ the library: Mapping the social activity space of the public library. Library & Information Science Research, 25(4), 365-385. doi:10.1016/S0740-8188(03)00049-5
Aabø, S., & Audunson, R. (2012). Use of library space and the library as place. Library & Information Science Research, 34(2), 138-149.
Hampton, K. N., Livio, O., & Goulet, L. S. (2010). The social life of wireless urban spaces: Internet use, social networks, and the public realm. Journal of Communication, 60(4), 701-722. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2010.01510.x
Psathiti, C. & Sailer, K. (2017). A Prospect-refuge approach to seat preference: Environmental psychology and spatial layout. In Heitor, T., Serra, M., Silva, J. P., Bacharel, M., & da Silva, L. C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium (pp. 137.1-137.16). Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamentode Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.

04/06 春假

04/13 環境災害、非自願拆遷(地點認同)
本週要學習的理論概念是地點依附(place attachment),要討論的經驗案例是康樂里非自願拆遷。課前可以先看紀錄片《我的家在康樂里》,閱讀一篇地點依附、一篇康樂里的論文。
Baum, A., Fleming, R., & Davidson, L. M. (1983). Natural disaster and technological catastrophe. Environment and Behavior, 15(3), 333-354.
Di Masso, A., Dixon, J., & Hernández, B. (2017). Place attachment, sense of belonging and the micro-politics of place satisfaction. In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, & O. Navarro (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology and quality of life research (pp. 85-104). Springer.
Fried, M. (1963). Grieving for a lost home. In J. Duhl (Ed.), The urban condition: People and policy in the metropolis (pp. 151-171). Basic Books.
Fried, M. (2000). Continuities and discontinuities of place. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20, 193-205.
Fullilove, M. T. (2014). "The frayed knot": What happens to place attachment in the context of serial forced displacement? In L. C. Manzo & P. Devine-Wright (Eds.), Place attachment: Advances in theory, methods and applications (pp. 141-153). Routledge.
Edelstein, M. R. (1988). Contaminated communities: The social and psychological impacts of residential toxic exposure. Westview Press.
Edelstein, M. R. (2002). Contamination: The invisible built environment. In R. B. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology (pp. 559-588). Wiley.
Oliver-Smith, A. (1986). The martyred city: Death and rebirth in the Andes. University of New Mexico Press.

04/20 兒童遊戲場(演講:還我特色公園行動聯盟,特公盟)
Masiulanis, K., & Cummins, E. (Eds.). (2017). How to grow a playspace: Development and design. Routledge.
Hayward, D. G., Rothenberg, M., & Beasley, R. R. (1974). Children's play and urban playground environments: A comparison of traditional, contemporary, and adventure playground types. Environment and Behavior, 6(2), 131-168. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/001391657400600201
Weinstein, C. S., & Pinciotti, P. (1988). Changing schoolyard: Intentions, design decisions, and behavioral outcomes. Environment and Behavior, 20(3), 345-371.
Moore, R. C., Goltsman, S. M., & Iacofano, D. S. (Eds.). (1992). Play for all guidelines: Planning, design and management of outdoor play settings for all children. Communications.
Casey, T. (2007). Environments for outdoor play: A practical guide to making space for children. Paul Chapman.
Kozlovsky, R. (2013). The architectures of childhood: Children, modern architecture and reconstruction in postwar England. Ashgate.
加一點建築、再加一點小怪獸 https://www.facebook.com/littlemonsterarch/
ambulance playground
黎巴嫩兒童的微笑 https://eyesonplace.net/2016/04/01/1792/
Monstrum 公司網站 http://monstrum.dk
三明治工粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/SandwishesStudio/

04/27 老人與環境
Rowles, G. D. (1978). Prisoners of space? Exploring the geographical experience of older people. Westview Press.
Rubinstein, R. L. (1989). The home environments of older people: A description of the psychosocial processes linking person to place. Journal of Gerontology, 44(2), S45–S53. doi:10.1093/geronj/44.2.s45
Iwarsson, S., Wahl, H.-W., Nygren, C., Oswald, F., Sixsmith, A., Sixsmith, J., Széman, Z., & Tomsone, S. (2007). Importance of the home environment for healthy aging: Conceptual and methodological background of the ENABLE-AGE Project. The Gerontologist 47, 78–84.
Wahl, H.-W., Iwarsson, S.,& Oswald, F. (2012). Aging well and the environment: Toward an integrative model and research agenda for the future. The Gerontologist 52, 306–316. doi:10.1093/geront/gnr154.
Buffel, T., et al (2014). Developing age-friendly cities: Case studies from Brussels and Manchester and implications for policy and practice. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 26(1-2), 52–72. doi:10.1080/08959420.2014.855043

05/04 家的意義(婦女、LGBT、遊民、遭小偷)
Valentine, G. (2001). The home. In Social geographies: Space and society (pp. 63-104). Prentice Hall.
O’Mahony, L. F. (2012). Meanings of home. In S. J. Smith et al. (Eds.). International encyclopedia of housing and home (vol. 4, pp. 231-239). Elsvier.
Kopec, D. (2012). The environment called home. In Environmental psychology for design (2nd ed.) (pp. 175-194). Fairchild Books.
Cooper Marcus, C. (1995). House as a mirror of self: Exploring the deeper meaning of home. Conari Press. (家屋,自我的一面鏡子)
O'Mahony, L. F. (2013). The meaning of home: From theory to practice. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 5(2), 156-171.
Rechavi, T. B. (2009). A room for living: Private and public aspects in the experience of the living room. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29(1), 133-143.
Gorman-Murray, A. (2008). Masculinity and the home: A critical review and conceptual framework. Australian Geographer, 39(3), 67–379.
Scicluna, R. M. (2017). Home and sexuality: The ‘other’ side of the kitchen. Palgrave Macmillan.
Korosec-Serfaty, P., & Bolitt, D. (1986). Dwelling and the experience of burglary. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 6, 329-344.
Chapman, T. (1999). Spoiled home identities: The experience of burglary. In T. Chapman & J. Hockey (Eds.), Ideal homes? Social change and the experience of the home (pp. 133-146). Routledge.
Knapp, R. G. & Lo, K.-Y. (Eds.). (2005). House, home, family: Living and being Chinese. University of Hawaii Press.
Compton, Jr., R. W., Leung, H. H., & Robles, Y. (Eds.). (2018). Dynamics of community formation: Developing identity and notions of home. Palgrave Macmillan.
Young, I. M.(2007)〈房子與家:女性主義主題變奏曲〉。《像女孩那樣丟球》(頁213-272)。商周。
Gilman, C. P.(2011)《黃壁紙》。逗點文創結社。
Lessing, D. (2003)〈十九號房〉。《一封未投郵的情書》(頁49-92)。一方。
Bachlard, G.(2003)《空間詩學》。張老師文化。

05/11 滑板與跑酷(found space與規劃設計的空間、都市治理)
Woolley, H., & Johns, R. (2001). Skateboarding: The city as a playground. Journal of Urban Design, 6(2), 211-230.
Nemeth, J. (2006). Conflict, exclusion, relocation: Skateboarding and public space. Journal of Urban Design, 11(3), 297-318.
Howell, O. (2005). The "creative class" and the gentrifying city skateboarding in Philadelphia's Love Park. Journal of Architectural Education, 59(2), 2-42.
Mould, O. (2009). Parkour, the city, the event. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 27(4), 738-750. doi:10.1068/d11108
Kidder, J. L. (2013). Parkour, masculinity, and the city. Sociology of Sport Journal, 30(1), 1-23.
Kidder, J. L. (2017). Parkour and the city: Risk, masculinity, and meaning in a postmodern sport. Rutgers University Press.

5/18 醫療空間:環境心理學的應用
Willis, H. J., Goad, P., & Logan, C. (2019). Architecture and the modern hospital Nosokomeion to Hygeia. Routledge.
Fornara, F., & Andrade, C. C. (2012). Health care environments. In S. D. Clayton (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology (pp. 295-315). Oxford University Press.
Devlin, A. S., & Andrade, C. C. (2017). Quality of the hospital experience: Impact of the physical environment. In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, & O. Navarro (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology and quality of life research (pp. 421-440). Springer.
Kopec, D. (2012). Health care environments. In Environmental psychology for design (2nd ed.) (pp. 257-276). Fairchild Books.
Shumaker, S. A., & Reizenstein, J. E. (1982). Environmental factors affecting inpatient stress in acute care hospitals. In G. W. Evans (Ed.), Environmental stress (pp. 179-223). Cambridge University Press.
Sternbert, E. M. (2009). Healing spaces: The science of place and well-being. Harvard University Press. (台大電子書)
Adams, A. (2008). Medicine by design: The architect and the modern hospital, 1893–1943. University of Minnesota Press.
McCullough, C. S. (Ed.). (2010). Evidence-based design for healthcare facilities. Sigma Theta Tau International.(台大電子書)
Elijah-Barnwell, S. A. (2008). Healing through design: Nursing perceptions of the health care environment. The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Educational Studies. Ph.D.: 150. (台大電子書)
Brown, L. A. (2013). Contested spaces: Abortion clinics, women's shelters and hospitals: Politicizing the female body. Ashgate
Huelat, B. J.(2007)《療癒環境:身心靈的健康照護環境設計》。五南。
The Center for Health Design http://www.healthdesign.org/chd

5/25 園藝治療
Lewis, C. A.(1996/2008)《園藝治療入門》(Green nature/human nature: The meaning of plants in our lives)。洪葉文化。
Louv, R.(2009)《失去山林的孩子:拯救大自然缺失症兒童》。野人文化。
Hartig, T. (1993). Nature experience in transactional perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning, 25, 17-36.
Shukor, S. F. A., Stigsdotte, U. K., & Nilsson, K. (2012). A review of design recommendations for outdoor areas at healthcare facilities. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 22(2), 32-47.
Wagenfeld, A. (2009). It's more than seeing green: Exploring the senses through gardening. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 19, 46-52.
Cooper Marcus, C. & Sachs, N. A. (2014). Therapeutic landscapes: An evidence-based approach to designing healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces. Wiley.

06/01 POE 與設計準則、社會科學家與建築師如何合作
Wener, R. E., McCunn, L. J., & Senick, J. (2016). Did that plan work? Post occupancy evaluation. In R. Gifford (Ed.), Research methods for environmental psychology (pp. 249-269). Wiley.
Ernst, A., & Wenzel, U. (2014). Bringing environmental psychology into action: Four steps from science to policy. European Psychologist, 19(2), 118-126.
Després, C., & Piché, D. (2017). Linking people-environment research and design: What is missing? In G. Fleury-Bahi, E. Pol, & O. Navarro (Eds.), Handbook of environmental psychology and quality of life research (pp. 65-83). Springer.
Lenzholzer, S., Duchhart, I., & van den Brink, A. (2017). The relationship between research and design. In A. van den Brink, D. Bruns, H. Tobi, & S. Bell (Eds.). Research in landscape architecture: Methods and methodology (pp. 54-64). Routledge.
Davis, B. E. (2011). Rooftop hospital gardens for physical therapy: A post-occupancy evaluation. Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 4(3), 14-43.(POE使用後評估)

06/08 總結:疫情之後的環境心理學
Devine-Wright, P. et al (2020). “Re-placed” - Reconsidering relationships with place and lessons from a pandemic. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101514
Aragonés, J.-I. & Sevillano, V. (2020). An environmental psychology perspective on the confinement caused by COVID-19. International Journal of Social Psychology, 35(3), 656-663. https://doi.org/10.1080/02134748.2020.1795398
Reese, G. et al (2020). SARS-Cov-2 and environmental protection: Agenda for environmental psychology research. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101444
Meagher, B. & Cheadle, A. D. (2020). Distant from others, but close to home: The relationship between home attachment and mental health during COVID-19. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101516

06/15 期末報告一
06/22 期末報告二
Office Hours
2/23  課程簡介 
3/02  環境心理學歷史與方法 
3/09  環境心理學方法 
3/16  環境認知與尋路 
3/23  音景、氣味地景 
3/30  空間行為學 
4/06  春假 
4/13  環境災害 
4/20  兒童遊戲場 
4/27  老人與環境 
5/04  家的意義 
5/11  滑板與跑酷 
5/18  醫療空間 
5/25  園藝治療 
6/01  poe與設計準則 
6/08  疫情後的環境心理學